
How to to be self employed as a student in Nigeria

 How to to be self employed as a student in Nigeria

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                    With the ever-growing use of technology, the need for skilled workers is increasing. And if you're an individual in Nigeria, there are a number of skills you will need to acquire and market to employers if you want to be set up to succeed in the 21st century.

1. Find out what you are good at 

                    This is a rhetorical question you need to ask yourself, what are you actually good at?..

after answering the question, then follow the steps below;

  •  Take a test that determines your skills 
  •  After taking a test, figure out what you are good at  
  • Utilize what you are good at

2. Get a part time job that compliments your skill 

                    Getting a part time job that compliments your skill helps make a difference in your career. Finding a job that works with your skill set is a great way to increase your income. There are many types of part time jobs including retail, customer service, reception, office, and telemarketing.

                    Sometimes, it seems that the more lucrative your education is, the less likely you are to find a job that complements it. With this in mind, it may be worth considering taking a path that offers you more time to focus on what you're best at. If you're able to work around your studies, you might be able to combine your skills with your studies and find that you can have the best of both worlds.


3. Find a topic and get involved

4. Offer to write a blog post on the topic 

5. Make sure that you get a few sentences on why you are qualified to talk about the topic 

6. Make sure you get the post published on the website

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