
How To Start A Blog


                                            How To Start A blog

You could make thousands of dollars per month on blogging, writing articles, sharing ideas online. Now, you will be wondering how does Blogging works

What is a Blog?

A blog (a truncation of "weblog") is a conversation or educational site distributed on the World Wide Web comprising of discrete, frequently casual journal style text sections (posts). Posts are regularly shown backward sequential request, so the latest post shows up first, at the highest point of the website page.

How To Get Started with Blogging

à     Choose a domain

               Look for a simple, short name to give your blog which will be relevant to your       niche.

 1.   Keep it short. Don’t force potential visitors to have to type a bunch of words to visit     your website. We recommend no more than 14 characters.

 2.    Choose a .com, .org, or .net. These are the easiest ones for people to remember.

 3.   Easy to spell and pronounce. You don’t want to spell it out constantly for people when   you mention your blog’s domain.

 4.   Avoid numbers and hyphens. Not only does it look clunky in the URL but it’s also     difficult to type out when you add hyphens.

 After choosing a domain name you will have to sign up on any CMS(Content   Management System) platform to link your desired domain name with it.

Examples of CMS platforms are; Blogger, wordpress, wix, Jimdo.

 How To Earn From Blogging In 10 Steps

ü Choose a profitable niche

When selecting your niche, it’s important to start with your passions -  after all, you’ll be dedicating lots of time and effort to this subject. But if you’re serious about making money blogging, you also need to think about subjects that people are interested in reading about, and that will ultimately be financially viable.


ü Scale your blog content

Now that you’ve selected your niche, it’s time to start creating content. As you  begin, keep in mind that the strategy behind your articles is just as important as the writing itself. Your articles, of course, will involve a lot of writing - but they’ll also involve a great deal of research and planning.


ü Build a reputation

Start by expanding your online presence, particularly in the writing and blogging world. You can reach out to online publications in your niche and pitch ideas for guest posts. Remember to send a link to your blog alongside your pitch as evidence of your experience in the field


ü Promote and grow

At this point, you know that the more people read your blog, the easier it will be for you to earn an income from it. For that reason, growing your website traffic is an important stepping stone for making money from your blog.


ü Advertise within your blog

One way to make money blogging is to add Google AdSense ads to your blog posts - and generate income as a result.


What, exactly, is Google AdSense? It’s a program that allows you to place ad spaces on your site. Google then fills those spaces with advertisements that are relevant to your blog and site visitors. You, in turn, earn money when those ads are viewed or clicked.


ü Offer paid subscriptions

You can also make money blogging  through creating and selling subscription plans. This lets loyal readers buy access to exclusive content.

Of course, some of your content should remain free - after all, readers will want to explore your blog before deciding whether to buy.  But you can supplement the freebies with in-depth posts that offer exclusive insights subscribers would be willing to pay for.


ü Sell merchandise

Another profitable option is to sell products directly through their site. To do this, you can open an online store that takes visitors directly to your products. This lets you sell items related to your blog niche or personal brand.

ü Become an affiliate

This involves adding affiliate links to various products or services within your posts, throughout your site, or across your social media accounts. When your site visitors click on those links and make a purchase, you’ll earn a commission from the sale.


ü Write sponsored content

As your blog grows, you might even find yourself getting approached by companies who’d like to sponsor you. The company will compensate you for each post you create, as you’re essentially advertising their products to your audience. Often, these gigs come with extra perks, like free products from the company for you to review


ü Provide consulting services                   

The final way to make money blogging involves harnessing all the knowledge you’ve gained as a professional blogger. Using your blog as a portfolio, offer your own expertise as a service and promote yourself as a coach or consultant.

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